Donate Today
Girl, Me Too™ is dedicated to giving back to the community, but we need your help. Whether you give financially or volunteer your time, your donation will make a difference to this organization, and most importantly, to at least one individual. Scholarships can make all the difference for students who want to attend college. An authorship can change the life of a new writer. A greeting card can encourage a mother to keep pressing her way. A Christmas gift can help restore faith in humanity. A new coat can help a homeless person make it through the winter. No matter what you donate or how you get involved YOU will make a difference.
Although there are several reasons why people donate, here are a few:
It will make you happier
The organization is making a difference
Every donations makes an impact
Be part of something bigger
Set an example
A grateful heart
Tax deduction
Giving spreads like wildfire
You’ll feel richer